Since 1994, preschoolers at Mariners Church have benefited from an organized group designed specifically for them: Little Lambs Club. As the club celebrates 25 years of existence, it’s a good time to look back on its history.

Pam Sayles enjoyed serving in children’s programs and was a leader in the Pioneer Clubs program at church. Upon learning that Pioneer Clubs was stopping, Pam knew that she was not ready to stop teaching children. A Bible Study on the 23rd Psalm gave her the idea to develop a study for children for them “to know, love, and follow Jesus, The Good Shepherd.” She presented her plan for a preschool Bible club and presented it to the church leadership and was given the green light to begin.

The beginning of each program year starts off with the lesson “Jesus, The Good Shepherd.” Other lesson series focus on Bible friends, Noah’s Ark, Bible Adventures, and Exploring God’s Word. Over the years, Pam (known as “Mrs. Pam” to the children) has added her own touches – Super Kid of the week, an annual Mother’s Day Party, and a pajama party, to name a few.

It is special to note that the very first Little Lambs Club had Kaitlin Gehret as one of its members. It is such an encouragement to Pam to see Little Lambs grow up and serve in the church as young adults.

Another “special” memory comes from the time Buddy the Lamb came to visit (shown in picture above). Pam had heard about a lamb at Elkus Ranch that thought it was a dog. A parent arranged for the lamb to be brought to club. The lamb proceeded to pee all over Mrs. Pam. That was his one and only visit.

Pam loves ministering to preschoolers because they are “eager to learn, fun, honest, and energetic.” She feels it is important to plant the seeds of faith in these children when they are young. As she was leading the club in the early years, she went back to college and earned her Early Childhood Education Credential and spent years working in local preschools. Pam does not see retirement on the calendar for her Little Lambs. She would miss the lesson prep, the kids, ministry, and would feel like part of her life is missing without it.  She plans to continue as long as she has health and helpers.

By Lisa Richardson, Volunteer Storyteller