Tell Others

We are called to tell the Coastside (and beyond) about the love of God. This is an important responsibility of every Christ follower and God has placed you in your neighborhood, with your friends, and in your family to do just that. No one else is able to witness to the grace of Jesus like you. We want to grow in our awareness of others and how to best share the message of salvation with those whom Jesus (and we) loves.

I’m Walking: I know the gospel. I’ve heard that the gospel needs to be shared.


Pray for your friends and neighbors, especially that they will hear the message of Jesus this Easter.

Prepare yourself by spending some time with God. Here are a couple of short quiet time reading plans to get you started.

Authentic Witnessing in Today’s World

Share Your Faith



I’m Running: I know I should be sharing the gospel myself, but I do not feel equipped.


Pray for your friends and neighbors who do not know Christ.

Prepare yourself by spending some time with God. Here are a couple of short quiet time reading plans to get you started.

Authentic Witnessing in Today’s World

Share Your Faith

Invite someone to the Easter service. Pick up Easter invitation cards at the Welcome Center.

Invite someone to join your LifeGroup.

Open a conversation with a friend or neighbor on their spiritual life.


I’m Flying: I am comfortable sharing the message of Jesus, but I want to do it better.


Continue to pray for friends and neighbors.

Take a course on sharing your story. Here are a couple of resources that can help you get started:

Personal Evangelism 101

30 Minutes to a Shareable Testimony

Share your story and the story of Jesus with your friend or neighbor.

Take someone in the church to lunch and swap testimonies. If the other person does not have a testimony, share the message of Jesus with them.




Other Thoughts on Telling Others

Sharing With Your Neighbors

Lisa was a high school girl who wanted to make friends and share her faith in Jesus at her new school. She began by learning the names of five girls whose lockers were next to hers and writing them down. As she learned more about her classmates, friendships blossomed....

Bringing Co-workers to Christ

Matt Klein sees opportunities to share the Gospel everywhere – especially at work, where he spends much of each day. “I make it quite clear to everyone that I have faith in God,” said Matt, who is a program management director at work. “I don’t want to bulldoze over...