The Mariners Worship Team is blessed to have the distinctive voice of Elizabeth Browning, occasionally lending her silky vocals when she’s not otherwise busy with college and wedding plans. Elizabeth graduates from Cal State East Bay in 2017 (“walking” in ceremony this June), with a B.S. in Health Science, and her recent engagement to Brandon Veatch includes a beautifully planned wedding at Mariners this September. While Elizabeth strives and readies herself towards her dreams and ambitions, one of her aspirations is potentially hindered by a health concern, a problem that could impact her ability to have children.

A Hopeful Future with Children
Elizabeth sees her path with having children in her life.  However, two years ago she began to experience painful symptoms that resembled Endometriosis, a condition that can cause fertility problems.  When she was told by doctors that the pain wasn’t normal, she stalled and avoided looking into it further…until recently. “In February I experienced a crippling, hours-long episode of pain which forced me to seek care.” It was confirmed then that she had Endometriosis, and a polyp was found in her uterus. Surgery was the next step, as well as a biopsy and a procedure to remove excess tissue, all scheduled on the same day.

Elizabeth is scheduled for surgery on April 6 and she asks for continued prayers.  “In these past weeks I have worked myself in fear of what’s to come: Am I going to have more problems in the future with my health? Or worse, will they tell me that they found nothing and won’t know the reason for my pain?  Since my many prayers and asking others to pray for me, God has lifted my anxiety. I’ve struggled with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and general anxiety for years due to sexual assault instances, and I haven’t felt true relief since I was a child.  It’s amazing to sit here and feel no kind of stress or run through ‘what if’s’. God has shined nothing but positivity and blessings my way in preparation for surgery. I will know my test results for my biopsy and Endometriosis status on the 28th of April.”

College Age Life Group Delivers Hope
Elizabeth quickly realized she had little control over the situation.  “I mentally began to prepare to let go.” On one recent occasion at the College-Age Life Group, Brandon Read helped remind her that only God was in control.  Brandon’s message to the group that night referenced Mathew 9.9, The Calling of Mathew. “Jesus went to Mathew and asked him to come follow him,” Elizabeth said.   “Brandon asked the group, ‘If Jesus were to come and ask you to leave, would you?’ ” It made Elizabeth think about her situation and whether she would do the same as Mathew.   She realized then that she had a choice to make.  “People are used to free will. We are comfortable in our lives—and entitled.   But everyone has barriers. I’m working on being able to put situations and choices in God’s hands instead of my own.”

​Letting Go and Praising God in Worship
Elizabeth soon began to move from sad, upset, and worrisome to letting God handle it.  “I’m truly working on control issues and putting it all in God’s hands.” Elizabeth also credits her involvement on the Worship Teams as always uplifting, and she participates whenever she can. “Singing with the Worship Team is like a rejuvenator to me.  The people are so great.  I don’t know if I’d have made it this far without them.”

By Marina Scofield, Volunteer Storyteller