While living in Virginia, Darby and Rick Moyer were introduced at a birthday party hosted by mutual friends. Rick’s good friend was a banker who changed careers and is a Pastor today. His wife met Darby in an adult Sunday School class and they became good friends.

Rick grew up in San Diego and attended Hume Lake as a teen; that is where he found and committed his life to the Lord. Darby, a native Marylander, was raised in the Episcopal faith. As a young adult Darby wanted a deeper understanding and faith in God. She committed her life to Christ when she heard about how to have a personal relationship with Christ in a Life in the Spirit class.

A verse that has helped guide Darby’s life is:
     Trust in the Lord with all your heart, 
     Do not rely on your own insight, 
     but in all your ways acknowledge Him
     and He will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Until Darby met Rick, a recent widower and father of two young girls, she thought God’s plans were for her to remain single.  Fortunately, God had different plans for them both – they were married in 1995.

Throughout his life, Rick has faced many trials. He suffered a serious back injury that required spinal fusion surgery and cared for his first wife through a seven-year battle with cancer while raising two young children. He also lost his job at General Dynamics during that period. Since then, he had a heart attack.

A pastor shared two passages from the Bible with Rick when his wife passed away that resonated with him:

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. 
Romans 5:3-4

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 
James 1:2-4

Despite the many daunting challenges life had put in Rick’s path, he emerged every time bolstered by his already-strong relationship with the Lord, with renewed faith, knowing these setbacks were all a part of God’s plan for him. God helped in Rick’s health recovering, and He brought Darby and Rick together to find one another during tough times.

Ten years ago, Darby and Rick relocated to the coast from Southern California. Rick went on the internet seeking a new church for them and discovered Mariners Community Church. They attended a couple of services and talked with Pastor Paul and they’ve been attending and serving ever since. They liked the friendly and diverse group of people attending MCC. The MCC community is a loving and caring group of genuine people.

In their time with MCC, Darby and served as a Stephen’s Minister and MOPS. Darby and Rick lead a Life Group together, and Rick serves on the MCC Steering Committee as well as attending a men’s Life Group.

Rick would tell you his creed is faith, family and football, in that order. The Moyers feel blessed that Rick’s two daughters and their husbands and grandchildren love the Lord and that they found MCC. When Rick’s daughter visits MCC she says “it feels like Heaven will be like this.”

​Life will present us all with significant challenges, trials and setbacks. The Moyers are grateful to have the Lord leading the way and to be in the MCC community where challenges and struggles are dealt with in a real way.

By Laura McHugh, Volunteer Storyteller