Mike and Lisa Ng first met in during their college years while attending the same church in Southern California. College also is where they each renewed a commitment to God planted through regular worship with family while growing up.

They were fortunate. College and the years after high school are a time when young adults often fall away from the church, and that’s one reason Mike and Lisa have committed themselves to providing a safe Christian environment for young adults to do life together weekly in their Half Moon Bay home.

“College is where my spirituality was really solidified,” explained Lisa, who found a faith community at the University of Southern California through Asian American Christian Fellowship. “My relationship with God really, really flourished (by) being in a community with other believers who really grew my faith. I think because of that I do have a heart for college age adults.”

Mike followed a similar path at California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, where he was active in Campus Crusade for Christ. During his last couple of years in school, he really grappled with finding his own way to live out his faith. It eventually led to a wilderness experience. God called him out of this long season on a mission trip with Engineering Ministries International to Colorado and Uganda, where the group provided design services for existing ministries in the developing world.

“I learned some new technical skills but God really used that time as my spiritual boot camp. That was where God really grew me and brought me back, helped me to refocus,” Mike said.

At Mariners Mike and Lisa are shepherding a small but dedicated LifeGroup of young adults who have continued their education post-high school and/or entered the work world. The couple was invited to lead the group shortly after their arrival at Mariners in 2015 to fill a need for a spiritual harbor among recent high school graduates from the church who stayed along the Coastside.

​“We want to journey with them and be there as they come to these crossroads, and be there to help them process,” Mike said, “be available to let them know as they make decisions there are people who want to be there with them.”

Mike and Lisa are anxious to see that group grow, but realize that God will make that happen in his own way and time.

​“The Church has been very encouraging,” Lisa added. “Long-time members have approached us saying, ‘We’re so glad you are doing this group.’ They had kids in that age group and really wished they had (a group like ours) at that time.”

By Dan Page, Volunteer Storyteller