For the past six years since moving to Montara, the Avila’s have looked out from their deck onto the Point Montara Lighthouse, but they were unaware God put that lighthouse in their view almost 15 years ago, when they were still living in Fresno.

Michelle and Ray, both born and raised in Fresno, have three grown children now and have been married for 30 years. Early in their marriage, with three new babies, Ray remembers writing a check for his tithing. They had literally no money in the bank, but he wrote the check for $150 anyway and prayed that somehow it would work out. The following day in the mail was an unexpected refund check for $150. The Avila’s confirmed in that moment that putting their complete faith in God – giving it over to Him – was the only way.

Several years later while still living in Fresno, they got a small vacation home on the coast, in Cambria. They were at a fundraising event and Ray found himself bidding on a watercolor against a friend. Ray knew he had to outbid his friend for this piece, a painting of a lighthouse. He won the bid and they hung the painting over the mantle in their place in Cambria.

​Fast-forward to 2011 and the Avilas found themselves facing an empty nest. Their three children were all off to college and Michelle and Ray assumed that meant it was time to move to Monterey, where Ray had family. Ray applied for two jobs in the Monterey school district, and was waiting to hear on the second position when a former colleague phoned him about a position in the Pacifica School District. Ray and Michelle had never even heard of Pacifica, but Ray interviewed and got the job. And again, there was that reminder that Michelle and Ray were not in charge, God had his own plans for them.

The Avilas sold their house in Fresno and bought a place and moved to Montara, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It wasn’t Monterey, but it was on the coast and provided an easy commute and they accepted it was God’s plan. Not long after that they decided to put their Cambria property on the rental market, so they retrieved their things, including the painting of the lighthouse and brought them to the Montara home.

One night, Ray was sitting in their living room. He shouted “Michelle, come here.” Michelle came into the living room and Ray showed her what he’d discovered: the painting from Cambria, now hanging in their Montara home, was a painting of the Point Montara lighthouse! Another confirmation that God had this move for them all planned out, long ago.

The Avilas moved to the coast six years ago. They had belonged to their church in Fresno for 25 years and when they arrived here, they shopped around looking for another church like that one. They became quite discouraged after visiting four churches, not finding what they needed. Church is a big part of their lives. Then, one day Ray went on-line looking for more options. They found Mariners Community Church and from the minute they walked in, they looked at one another and knew this was their church, a fit. Ray serves on the Steering Committee and the Offering Team while Michelle serves with the Ignite middle school youth group. They’ve found a new home in Mariners that was God’s plan all along.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

by Laura McHugh, Volunteer Storyteller