As the mother of a young child, Gail Conklin had a list of must-haves when looking for a church in Silicon Valley. She visited a number of houses of worship in her search. Most importantly, she prayed very specifically for a church close to home, a solid children’s ministry, and Biblical teaching, among other things.

Fast forward to 2003. Gail, her husband Dave, and 4-year old Cali moved to Half Moon Bay. Gail prepared to resume her church search. A new acquaintance suggested she try Mariners. Several weeks later, Gail found herself running late to church. As she waited at the stoplight on her 3-minute drive to Mariners, an overwhelming truth dawned on her: God had answered all of the specifics of her prayer requests for a church home. She was overcome with gratefulness that God cared so much to grant her the detailed wishes of her heart.

In addition to the church, Gail embraced the Coastside life, enjoying countless hours combing the beaches, making friends at Starbucks, playing tennis, and sharing her gifts of help and encouragement with her community.

Since 2003, Gail has found herself involved in a variety of ministries at the church…as a greeter, nursery worker, youth chaperone, prayer team member, and LifeGroup member. She has enjoyed being able to choose areas of ministry that have worked with whatever season of life she is in. The one ministry that has been a constant for the majority of her time at Mariners has been a ladies’ LifeGroup. Her participation in this group has been a huge blessing in her life. She has found walking through life with the women in her group has resulted in strong spiritual bonds and lasting friendships.

A new church search is in the future as Dave and Gail will be relocating to North Carolina. Yes, Gail has already started on her list of specifics!

by Lisa Richardson, Volunteer Storyteller