Ten years ago there were five girls,
(Girls being a relative term),
Who realized their friendship was special
Beyond anything you can earn.

This poem was penned in 2011 by Adora Palmer about a very special life group. In 2001, small groups (now called LifeGroups) were booming at Mariners and a young mom wanted to host a group at her home and Adora was asked to lead it. Weekly Bible studies followed and, in 2002, five women found themselves at La Piazza marveling at the special bond they felt with one another and decided right there to make a vow to remain true to each other despite whatever the future would hold for them. Because they had studied the Fruits of the Spirit, they settled on the name The Joy Love Club, with a nod to the popular Joy Luck Club of a similar nature.

The years that followed saw the births of many grandchildren, health issues, the loss of parents, graduations, loss of a spouse, divorce, health issues, and moves. Adora, Judy Baker, Julie Raizes, Teresa Williams, and Georgia Wright found themselves continually blessed by the support of their committed Christian friends. Sleepovers at the Long Branch Ranch, trips to San Francisco, Windsor and Anaheim, CA and Destin, FL further solidified their bond. Matching white fleece jackets embroidered with JLC gave them a uniform.  Only two of the five still live on the Coast with the others scattered to the outer reaches of the Bay Area, yet the ladies continue to meet five or six times a year and treasure their times together.

How did five women manage to build such a strong bond that has endured the test of time? Adora would say that commitment is the key. The women verbalized and took very seriously their commitment to each other and all have held to it.

Judy would say that this group has truly been one of the greatest blessings in her life since moving to California. She was longing for some Christian women friends and these ladies answered that call. There has been love, support, compassion, prayer, spiritual growth, accountability, wisdom shared. It is a testament to the power of LifeGroups and commitment.

​Whatever circumstance the ladies find themselves in, they feel uplifted by their Joy Love Club sisters.

by Lisa Richardson, Volunteer Storyteller