June Troller lives in peace with God’s sometimes unexpected plans for her life, and she feels blessed with the opportunity to serve God wherever his needs might take her.

One day last August it began raining at the home June shares with her son Kevin’s family in Baytown, Texas. The rain didn’t stop until Hurricane Harvey had dropped 58 inches of water on the Houston region, submerging entire neighborhoods, upending lives and drowning dreams.

A Harris County rescue team picked up the family in an air boat as the waters crept up the driveway from the submerged street. They had just enough time to pack a few belongings in plastic trash bags before being whisked away to safety. June never panicked. In fact, she felt extremely calm. God had a plan.

The flood waters eventually rose as high as the outlets in the single-story home, leaving behind extensive damage. Church friends provided the family with temporary housing, but a month after the flood waters rose June found herself at home in Miramar with her daughter Eileen Arnold’s family until repairs could be completed.

“Nothing happens by accident in this world. God is in control,” June said. “When I came here, I said, ‘OK, this is natural. I’m here. God wants me to be here for some reason or I wouldn’t be here.’”

So, June set about being of service to her daughter Eileen Arnold’s family as they navigate hectic lives here on the Coastside. June helped in the kitchen, with the laundry and with other household chores. June also jumped at the opportunity to help Eileen find a church. Together they found Mariners. And June has found a place to serve in her adopted home town, greeting on Thursdays at the community dinner sponsored by Table of Plenty.

While June looks forward to returning to friends and family in Baytown, the timetable is unclear. Until then, however, she is at peace, joyful and living God’s plan for her on The Coastside.

“Every day is a blessing in some way,” June says. “I look at the good that comes. Yes, there are hardships and we all live through many of them. It’s all part of God’s plan. So, every day I try to be upbeat. I say ‘God, Bless me today. Bless these hands. Help me to be the light of Jesus to whomever I touch.’”

by Dan Page, Volunteer Storyteller