“He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”  Micah 6:8 (NIV)

The curriculum for our recent 40 Days in the Word gave the assignment for LifeGroups to do a Micah 6:8 Project. The Sunday Evening – Richardson LifeGroup looked into opportunities for service and chose to partner with Senior Coastsiders to do yard
cleanup for a widow in Cañada Cove.

The group trimmed trees, pulled weeds, cleared paths, pruned rosebushes, and cleared the sides of a driveway resulting in over 250 gallons of green waste. Having a team of twelve volunteers made a large task manageable. As plants were trimmed and weeds
were cleared away, it was evident that this was the home of a woman who had enjoyed gardening. It was clear how much she had cared for it when she was able. The group found it a blessing to be able to be her hands and feet and do for her what she could
not do for herself. She was so appreciative of the efforts and commented that she is finally able to get out to her garden.

As far as applying the teaching of Micah 6:8 to this service project, the group found themselves 1) Acting Justly in taking care of tasks for one who was unable to take care of it herself; 2) Loving Mercy in that they were able to assist her in meeting the requirements of her Homeowners Association; and 3) Walking Humbly in serving another.

40 Days in the Word and a service project has this LifeGroup ready for their next chapter.

By Lisa Richardson, Volunteer Storyteller