From Pastor Paul.

I do believe that 2020 could be your best year yet for spiritual and personal growth. It could be the launching point for better relationships, a closer connection to God, and to deeper and freeing emotional healing.

Or, it could just be another ordinary year (Ugh).

I read this the other day: Our souls long for more of God. When you take just a second to think about that, you feel it is true.

JANUARY is the month we are committing ourselves to one of God’s great purposes of our lives: SPIRITUAL GROWTH. Throughout this month we will be sending you links, tips, and encouragements that will help you grow and develop in your closeness with God. My hope is that you will draw closer and closer to your understanding so that you would be complete, lacking in nothing (James 1:4)

I can’t tell you how important this is to your life and to the lives of those around you! I think that many of us have just scratched the surface of what God wants to do in us.

I believe 2020 could be your best year yet. It could be the launching point for the next level of health and growth that you’ve been praying for. God isn’t done yet. I’m sure of it.

Click here to take your next step in growing deeper and stronger this coming year.