A Quiet Time Story: Ivette, Connecting with God Through Spiritual Snacking | Mariners Church, Half Moon Bay

The demands of busy lives driven by unpredictable calendars can make it difficult to commit to a daily time, place and resource for connecting with God. Dedicating a block of 60, 30 or even 15 minutes to praise, prayer and learning can seem impossible.

“As a mom, as a wife, as somebody in ministry, as a granddaughter with a huge role in my grandparents’ lives, finding that quiet time at times has been difficult for me,” concedes Ivette Moctezuma, Mariners Church Outreach Director.

Her solution? When it comes to quality time with God, Ivette is a voracious snacker. She draws regularly as time permits and priorities demand from a lengthy menu of praise and devotional resources that nourish her soul:

  • She often begins her day with a daily Bible verse via email from the Bible Gateway app. “I read scripture when I can every day.”
  • A daily devotional on the Abide app gives her an opportunity to connect with God and her children. “It takes about two minutes. That’s something I never miss for them. I never begin a day without prayer and telling them I love them.”
  • On social media she seeks out inspirational links, devotions and Bible passages shared by her online friends. “There’s so much people are sharing from our church.”
  • A pair of daily devotionals for women offered on the Girlfriends in God and Proverbs 31 apps, respectively, offer her inspiration and support for managing each busy day. “They really have enriched me. Every time I get frustrated because I didn’t get things done or wasn’t the wife or mother I want to be, those are my pick-me-ups.”
  • She worships in the car listening to praise music.
  • She keeps her faith top of mind by looking for inspiration and “God moments” throughout the day while interacting with friends, co-workers and acquaintances. “It’s helpful to look at God through the eyes of others.”

She may not turn to every resource every day, but reaching into her spiritual pantry as opportunities arise feeds her soul.

“Finding that time is very important to my everyday growth with God. And if I don’t look for those moments, I notice a difference in myself. I’m more irritable, especially with my children and husband. My confidence flags. Connecting with God throughout the day, every day makes all the difference.”

By Dan Page, Volunteer Storyteller

Go to the Spiritual Growth page for other resources to help your faith grow deeper and stronger this year.