Linda Meyer lives her life with an eye toward serving God and others. She comes by it via nature and nurture.  Yet, opening up about the faith that drives her Christian service in a secular world is harder. She’s working on it.

Serving was engrained in Linda’s’ social DNA at an early age. She was raised in Marin County by two flower children with a heart for Christ, and her faith was incubated by a powerful youth program. She accepted Christ during an alter call while attending the Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs.

“From that time on, I’m doing things for God and                                                         he’s doing things for me,” Linda said. “God has blessed me. He has given me skills. Every time I serve I feel that it’s a way to sat ‘thank you’ to God by sharing his love.” And she has shared God’s love liberally over the years.

While serving her country for 24 years as a C-5 pilot and later as a flight commander in the U.S. Air Force, this now retired lieutenant colonel took time to deliver Christmas gifts to the children of prisoners, to prepare special meals for veterans and to aid “at risk” teens. These days she is an active member of the Hatch Elementary School PTO and volunteers at Mission Hospice and Home Care. Inspired by a project she saw on the Mariners outreach trip to Mexico this past summer, she also volunteers with Cakes4Kids, a program that serves San Mateo County’s foster children.

For Linda, her labors of God’s love are the easy part. “When I go and I’m serving, that’s me sharing my faith.” Explaining the faith behind those labors can be scary. Still, she looks carefully for opportunities. Like the time last month that a non-Christian volunteer coordinator asked about Mariners. Or the work staff meeting that same week where she and co-workers were asked to share something about themselves that the others might not know. Linda explained to them: “God is all my strength. Everything you see, that’s all God working with me.”

So how does Linda work past her fears that her message will be rejected or misunderstood? “I ask God for those kinds of opportunities and to make me brave for him.”

​It’s that simple.

by Dan Page, Volunteer Storyteller