Linda Petty lights up when she talks about her six grandkids, spending much of her free time visiting with them all over California.  Her cheerfulness and exuberant faith make it hard to imagine her as anything but joyful and kind- the perfect grandparent!  But it took some difficult life events to strengthen her, and ultimately reveal to her that her faith in Jesus should always come first.

Linda moved here 23 years ago with her three children and husband, and admits to being in a bad place back then.  “I was in a dysfunctional and abusive relationship.  I clung to him, put him ahead of Jesus.”   It still pains her to speak about that time.  “God is forgiving, but we suffer the consequences of our choices.  My children withdrew from me. They had endured so much back then.”

Linda’s kind heart is reflected in her sweet voice and disposition.  Raised in a Christian home by very loving parents, she remembers it as a house of laughter.  “I’m very child-like, but for many years I was ridiculed and verbally abused for my voice and my personality.”  She recalls a turning point towards Jesus.   “I remember feeling Christ carrying me.  I felt the Holy Spirit physically within me, and I knew that He loved me. He said to me, ‘You are my child, you are perfect the way you are.’ ”

God gave Linda hope and blessed her with connections to strong believers at Mariners.    “Debbie Gehret, sent her notes of encouragement.  “She had a welcoming smile, and she’s the reason I came back to Mariners a second time.”  Linda also joined a LifeGroup with Lisa Richardson, attending it for many years. ”I couldn’t emotionally walk back then, they carried me. “ She credits many others like Mark Heath and Mary Doherty for their love and support.   “When my mother died two years ago, Kathy Ohler stepped into that role.  She ministered to me. I just love my church.  I love my church family.”

​After being single for 10 years, Linda met Wayne through Mariners and they married.    “God has taken away my lack of being accepted for who I am.   I never hesitate on my faith,” she said.  “I never let myself make choices that are against the teaching of Jesus just to please others.    Jesus is not a popular choice today, but as Christians we have to be brave. Others may say they believe in God or a higher power, but I tell people, ‘I’m one of those Jesus followers.’  You just don’t have God without having Jesus.”

By Marina Scofield, Volunteer Storyteller