Brandon Veach was just six months old when his father abruptly left the young family of three.  The years that ensued would reveal a deep pain contained within Brandon’s heart, as he wrestled with the confusing and sometimes chaotic environment that was “home.”

As Brandon’s divorced parents struggled to share in the raising of the children, young Brandon rebelled.  In adolescence he experimented with drugs and alcohol. He built up feelings of resentment towards his father, even though they visited regularly.   Brandon also became spiteful and hateful towards God.  “Why is this happening to me!?” he would ask.

His life was challenged further when in 2008 he was sent from Nebraska to Half Moon Bay to live with his father and step mother.  “I never felt my father was reliable and trustworthy.”  However, by the 8th grade, Brandon began forming connections to Mariners through his friend, Quinton, and through the Middle School group.  By 2009, Brandon dedicated his life to Christ and he began the process of forgiving his dad even though he blamed him for many of his own struggles.  “One of the greatest outcomes of moving here is my relationship with my faith.”

During High School, Brandon’s faith would be tested with high and low points.  “I had a heart knock from God when I began dating my fiancée, Elizabeth Browning. She helped me stay on track with school and was supportive.  She encouraged me to follow my interest in youth pastoring.

But in 2014 his faith sank when his father left again, leaving Brandon and his family devastated.  “What transpired was a stronger family unit, where we put our heads together and formed a game plan.”  But he was angry, feeling emotionally and spiritually unbalanced.  “I felt myself becoming passive trying to cope with my feelings.  I felt sorry for myself and had a ‘woe is me’ attitude. “

Brandon knew that he needed to ‘Let go and let God’.  “I began seeing a counselor who helped me find new ways to cope, including staying busy while becoming adventurous.   He also attended church and began leading the middle school youth group.  “Church helps keep you accountable. It roots you, and helps you remain open to faith as much as possible,” he said.

Now at age 22, Brandon looks forward to his upcoming wedding and future. In pre-marital counseling with Pastor Paul, they learned many skills including using the right language towards each other.  “Our relationship with each other should mirror our relationship with Christ.”  When he looks back at his youth, he realizes Gods plan.  “It was all just there to shape who I am.”

By Marina Scofield, Volunteer Storyteller