Bonnie and Kenji Gjovig and their three children relocated to the Coastside from Arkansas in 2013. Even before they moved, they started looking for a church for to attend, wanting to find a good fit for their family after they settled in.

Looking for and Finding a New Spiritual Home

Bonnie and Kenji found Mariners Community Church, and from then on, there was no going back. They knew almost immediately they had found their new church and church family by the way they were welcomed.

Bonnie says MCC helped with their transition to the coast because they found a loving and supportive community through their church. Kenji immediately felt the open arms of MCC from the beginning and authenticity and warmth they associate with family and close friends.

A Strong Connection to God and One Another

Each week, Bonnie felt as if Paul was speaking directly to her – conveyed through the sermons and deep bonds developed between the Gjovig family and MCC attendees.  As Bonnie describes it “Paul is so keenly in touch with the Holy Spirit and where the church body is at any given moment.”

Growing Spiritually

Since joining MCC, Bonnie and Kenji have watched how God has used the community around them to love them and embrace their growing family. They feel their family bonds have strengthened through attending MCC – constantly pushing them all to grow spiritually.

by Laura McHugh, Volunteer Storyteller