New Wave Update/FAQ | Mariners Church, Half Moon Bay

New Wave Update/FAQ



The fundraising portion of our journey began on April 1, 2017.
Initial pledges totaled $1,243,000

As of October 31, 2019, pledges are now $1,373,353 and $832,198 in
giving towards those pledges has been contributed.

Thank you for your faithful giving and support of what God is
doing on the coast side through Mariners Church, your church.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is New Wave?

Each new swell on the ocean becomes a new wave. A wave has power and movement. We think that’s a pretty cool picture of what we see God doing in our future: providing power and movement for what He has for us.
Mariners Church has always been kind of different. We started in a Community Center and didn’t our own place for 27 years.  And during the life of this church God has done incredible stuff here. We have seen more and more people come to Christ, we have been able to launch new ministries, and we have, by God’s grace, impacted a lot of people on the Coast.
New Wave is posturing ourselves through facilities, staffing, and equipping people, for touching a whole LOT MORE people on our Coast (and beyond!). We feel God is calling us to take steps to increase our ability to reach, disciple, and equip new and diverse generations of coastsiders through the next season of growth.
Why are we doing this now?New Wave looks at our facilities, our staffing, and our ministry potential. As we consider these things, we realize we have simply outgrown (a good problem) our ability to reach more people.
The most obvious ‘outgrowth’ is facilities–we’ve always said that a building is a ‘tool’, and when that tool wears out we’ll figure out something else. Who thought that we’d need a better one so soon? Now, we’d all prefer to increase ministry capability without buildings—they are expensive!! And we have squeezed, re-configured, and re-re-configured a bunch of stuff. But we just can’t expand without building.
Also, we’re seeing new opportunities to stretch out and minister to more people. We have brought on a Director of Community Outreach to reach our diverse coastside population. We are looking to explore more into the areas of discipleship and spiritual formation.
AND we are doing this because God has made us ALIVE, and all living things grow!
How much money are we hoping to raise?

We hope to raise $2 million (gulp). 
How will we use it?

One of the things that kills me is when we have to say, “We can’t do that, we just don’t have the space.”    Kaitlin (our Children’s Director) said that to me when I mentioned a new way we could reach kids. We knew when we got into this building (a converted office space) that it would be a good stopgap (and it’s been great). Who knew we’d need to expand so soon? And construction is a LOT OF MONEY. So a huge portion will go to expanding our meeting areas, our children’s ministry area, and (believe it or not) our lobby (which will be used for connections, ministries, meeting areas, etc. We’d love to expand our space by over 5,000 square feet. We’ll also be looking at possible rental areas that around our building that could optimize ministry.
What’s with the 10% we are giving away? Is that true?

Yes, and it’s pretty cool. God has placed in our heart to take 10% of what we raise and work with an effective ministry (local? International?) to bless them. Can you imagine what $200,000 could do for a hospital? An orphanage? A missionary trying to reach unreached people? This is to protect us from only thinking of “our” place—but to keep our eyes focused on other places where God is working. Check out the ministry with whom we are partnering!
What is the timeline?

New Wave will kick off in late February. We’ll be handing out material that gives you the info you’ll need. We’ll also be talking with your LifeGroup and giving you a chance to ask questions of what this is all about.
In March the messages will be looking at God’s calling and purpose in our lives and the difference we can make through our involvement.
On April 2, we want the whole church to be together (ONE church, ONE time, ONE place—yeah, it’ll be crowded but fun!) to make a commitment to the future of God’s work here. We will all be making a financial commitment, but more importantly, a personal commitment to be an instrument of God here.

Will we go into debt?

No, we will only begin construction and spend money as we receive funds or have timely commitments for those funds. 

What about the building next door?

Leasing may be necessary in this project. We can use the space for offices or adult meeting rooms during the construction. On several occasions in the past two years we have offered to discuss the purchase of 80 Stone Pine with the owners. The owners have been clear that the building is not currently for sale. As God had a hand in the purchase of our current building…we need to stay aware of any changes in this situation. 

Does the City agree with our plans for expansion?

We have reviewed our plans with the City and made changes to reflect their comments. As our building is close to protected land we are doing an environmental study to ensure that our expansion will have minimal to no impact on the protected area. Issues on a project our size could come up and we will address them with the City and with the congregation. 

Isn’t the church big enough?

The size of the church has never been our goal. We have seen Mariners grow because we are doing something special here. We continue to see decisions made for Christ and lives changed. The past three years in this building is only the beginning. God is growing His church and we want to partner with Him by creating space for the people He brings us. 
Many weekends during the past year the church did seem to be big enough. Since we moved into this building in 2013 the weekend attendance has grown by 12% for adults and over 30% for children. Additional space for our children’s ministry will be addressed in the first phase of our expansion.

How is New Wave giving different from regular giving?

Weekly offerings fund the ongoing expenses of the church including all ministry activities, staffing, and on-going operational costs. To fund large investments like the New Wave campaign, we need to provide over and above our current weekly offerings. Our hope and prayer is that everyone will participate with equal hearts, giving to fund both ministry and the investment in reaching our community for Christ. 

How will we bridge the gap between what is pledged in New Wave and our overall need? 

While we are praying for pledges and contributions of 100% of the need, collections totaling less than needed will delay the second floor expansion of the building. Other areas may be eliminated from the building plan as prioritized by the Steering Team and building committee. 

What can I do to help?

This is a big thing as we move forward, so pray.  Pray for God’s direction for our leaders. Pray for protection for all involved and the transformation of hearts in our church family as we learn to trust God completely.  Ask God for his direction on how you might respond to the New Wave vision. The New Wave funding need is big, but the results are awe inspiring.
Come and be a part. Join your Mariners family in seeing where God is taking us. Be in church as valuable perspectives are shared during services beginning in February, March and culminating in April with a celebration
We love what God is doing here and through this church!
 – Your Pastors and Leaders at Mariners