An Enduring Faith

An Enduring Faith

Ever since Adora Palmer can remember, she had an enduring faith. Perched on her mother’s lap, Adora remembers being sung hymns at the age of four.  She has no memory of being without Jesus. Adora had a marriage made in heaven. She made a change in her school plans,...
Many Questions, One Answer – Christ  

Many Questions, One Answer – Christ  

Ofelia Fazackerly didn’t always believe in God. Her belief was formed over a lifetime with a journey that includes many, many painful experiences. Ofelia says God has been painting a story of her life on canvas that includes some of the most painful events a person...
Hearts to Serve College-Aged Young People  

Hearts to Serve College-Aged Young People  

Mike and Lisa Ng first met in during their college years while attending the same church in Southern California. College also is where they each renewed a commitment to God planted through regular worship with family while growing up. They were fortunate. College and...
Navigating Faith in a Strained Upbringing  

Navigating Faith in a Strained Upbringing  

Brandon Veach was just six months old when his father abruptly left the young family of three.  The years that ensued would reveal a deep pain contained within Brandon’s heart, as he wrestled with the confusing and sometimes chaotic environment that was “home.” As...
Pioneering Call Results in Lessons of Trust 

Pioneering Call Results in Lessons of Trust 

Tim and Emma Lodge weren’t looking for a change. They had a lovely home near family in the bustling town of Rugby in central England. Tim enjoyed his work as an automotive engineer for Aston Martin. Em enjoyed rehabbing and reselling homes. And they had a robust...