Special Announcement from Pastor Paul
March 8, 2025
Dear Mariners Church Family,
Well, it’s with a whole bundle of mixed feelings that I’m writing this. I love you all and I love this church which God has created through you. And, of course, I love being your pastor.
During the past couple of years, I’ve noticed that it’s getting harder and harder for me to be the pastor you and this place needs and deserves. It’s not you–it’s ME. After the crazy medical stuff, I’m just not the same—my energy and effectiveness is way less that it was.
I joke about getting old, but the reality is–I am! And what’s worse is I see it, know it, and FEEL it!
I’ve prayed with and spoken to my closest friends, pastors, and counselors. They affirm that it is a good and healthy time that we as a church begin the process of transitioning to a different lead pastor to take us into the future here at Mariners. I made this announcement last Sunday and, if you want, you can VIEW IT HERE
This transition process will take time and I’m here with you through it all. Remember, this is also my church family so I’m planning on staying here even after I’ve stepped aside.
We do have a great team in place to begin the process of doing all that goes into finding the right person to shepherd this place. And your involvement will be needed as time goes on.
Next Sunday, March 16, in the worship center after our 10:45 service we will have an informal conversation to share more about this where we can answer your questions and talk about the process. I would love for you to stay for that. Yup, we’ll have childcare.
This is a GOOD thing! God knows exactly what He’s doing. And He is Good. And this will be a pretty cool time!
And I (still and will always) love being your pastor!
Pastor Paul
PS: In the meantime, PRAY for God’s work on the Coast. Pray for the person God is preparing for this ministry. Also pray for Lisa and me—after 37 years it’s a little emotional to step aside from this place and pastoring people we love.