Our Values
With God: We actively pursue ways to engage your child in a way that will deepen their relationship with Christ through stories, activities, and conversations that encourage your student to seek after God so that they may have a forever friendship with Him.
With Children: Our Team is passionate about knowing your child individually by knowing their likes and dislikes, where they are spiritually, and connecting with them on a deeper level. Your child is not just a body in a crowded room, they are a friend of ours.
With Families: At Surf’s Up, we don’t just want to know your child, but your family as well! We wish to talk to you frequently about how your child is doing and to know you by name as well!
Knowing the Bible
We hear the same bible stories over and over again in our lifetime. Surf’s Up strives to teach the bible in biblical truth, the values of the stories they are hearing, and by learning the faith skills they need to grow in a healthy relationship with Christ. Our desire for them is to find joy, peace, and companionship knowing that Jesus came to meet with them and be their friend for life.
Families Together
At Home: Life hits us all at once with sports teams, scout meetings, birthday parties, schools, and everything else. Our team is dedicated to empowering you as household leaders to help bring Jesus into your homes and your cars. From Sunday take homes, that give you questions with which to talk to your child around the dinner table, to cellphone apps, we provide resources to for you to connect with your child about their growing faith.
Family Fun Events: We want you to feel like you can carve out time from your busy schedule to talk to your kids whether it be in the car on the way to soccer or around the dinner table.
Encounter: Discover God together as a family with our once a month Family Worship Experience. Play games, sing praise to God, hear a Bible lesson, and go through the month asking questions that bring you all together. Family Fun Events We want you to have FUN! Every quarter we look for ways for families to come together and just be a family! See our event page for upcoming Family Fun!
We would love to have you make a difference in the lives of children and families. If you would like to discuss serving in one of our many roles and age-specific programs, please contact Brenna Davis (brenna@marinerscc.org) or get started right away by filling out our volunteer application.
All of our team must fill out and read the following forms: