
Much more happens in the life of a church than the weekend gatherings.  Join us with your family and friends at many of our other activities.

Our current schedule

Weekend Services

Join us at Mariners church for worship! We invite you and your loved ones to attend our services on Sundays.  Enjoy live music from our worship team and uplifting messages from our pastors.  Our regular Sunday services are 9:15am and 10:45am

Can’t join us in person?  No problem, we upload the service to our website, click here:
Messages | Mariners Church, Half Moon Bay (

Watch previously recorded services at any time here or on our YouTube channel

Listen to the Message Podcast on Mariners Community Church Podcast – Apple Podcasts

or on Spotify Mariners Community Church | Podcast on Spotify


LifeGroups are an invaluable activity in the life of a maturing believer. We have many groups for you to choose from. Some meet on the ZOOM platform, but most meet in person. Here are just a few reasons why we’re so committed to seeing everyone in a LifeGroup:

  • They’re a great way to really get to know people and experience authentic, caring relationships.
  • They’re a good way to meet social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
  • LifeGroups provide the best environment for the life change that God intends for every person.

Click here to find out more.


High School Grades, 9-12
Meets Wednesdays, 7:30-9pm

Middle School, Grades 6-8
Meets Thursdays, 6pm – 7:30pm


We offer Surf’s Up Children’s Ministry for both 9:15 and 10:45 service. We have age-appropriate Sunday school during both services for nursery (ages 0-3 years), pre-k (ages 3-5 years) and elementary (ages 6 years-5th grade).  We hope that our Surfs Up Children’s Ministry is a place where your child can feel safe, loved, and grow in Christ!
Install the Mariners Church App on your iPhone!

Install the Mariners Church App on your iPhone!

Download the Mariners App on your iPhone today! It is a great tool to stay engaged with Mariners. Enjoy quick access to upcoming events, church announcements, Sunday service set list, past service videos and message podcast, event info and registrations, online giving, prayer requests, and more! Install on iPhone.

Click Here to see our full calendar of activities at Mariners Church.

Visit the Worship Team rehearsal schedule.