Again and again God would tell us, “Don’t be afraid.” But we are living in crazy times with a lot of stuff being unstable. In this series we are going…
rad·i·cal Adjective (especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough. This definition has something in common with you—it is what God…
In the midst of things going wrong, have you ever exclaimed, “I’ve had ENOUGH?” God helps us in those times to look at things in a whole different light; to…
Some problems in our lives are big, and some are small. And then there are those in-between things that just tangle up our lives. In this series we will look…
We all have people in our lives—and some of those people are THOSE PEOPLE—you know, needy people, manipulative people, critical people. How does God want me to react?  How does…


December 9, 2018
Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we…


November 25, 2018
Words are powerful. They can beat us down and lift us up. They wound and they heal. And the right words at the right time can be exactly what we…