Welcome Home
We are reopening our services indoors and want to welcome you home!
Reopening our church to more ‘normal’ activity is a fluid situation with all the change of guidelines and rebuilding of ministry teams. We ask everyone to please be understanding and patient with us as we reopen, acknowledging service times and locations, indoors or out, may all be affected at a ‘moments notice’. We will do our best to send out clear communications.
Here are some of our current plans to help us all set our expectations.
Regarding Vaccinations. We will never ask if one has been vaccinated nor require proof of vaccination to attend or serve at Mariners Church. We respect everyone’s privacy and decision process. We ask each person to show mutual respect regarding choices made and to follow your own convictions in making decisions on your level of engagement.
Regarding Masks. Please note masks are no longer required indoors for those who are vaccinated. County and state guidelines do require them for unvaccinated. However, we will not be asking for vaccination status of anyone, and ask that you self select cooperation with state and county guidelines. Please feel the freedom and grace to make your choice without concern of judgement as we continue to encourage love and support to be shown to everyone on this issue.
Regarding In Person Worship Service. We currently meet indoors for both 9:15 and 10:45am services.
Regarding Online Worship Service. We will continue to provide a full worship service on our website and at our www.YouTube.com/MarinersHMB channel indefinitely. We post a LIVESTREAM of the 9:15a service to be available on Sundays and it is be available anytime after that. Please be patient on that schedule as we occasionally face technical difficulties.
Regarding Children’s Programs. As all aged children are not yet offered a vaccination option, we will be following all guidelines for masks and distancing protocols, as well as, using enhanced cleaning on toys and surfaces. We appreciate your understanding. Parents, look for more detailed communication from our Children’s Ministry Team.
Things that will be DIFFERENT for now and may NOT return:
Offering Buckets. To minimize shared touching of surfaces, we will not be passing around a bucket for offerings. Please give through our phone app and website OR place checks in the free-standing offering box near the back of the worship center and at the box mounted on the wall at the bottom of the stairs.
Programs. In an effort to save resources, we are experimenting with not producing programs. All event info and more is on our phone app. Next Step/Prayer Request Cards will be in newly installed seat pockets (or can be submitted on the phone app as well).
Communion. Due to safety and sanitation, we will offer prepackaged communion cups. Gluten free bread is available upon request.
Recorded Services on CDs. In an effort to save resources, we will no longer be offering CDs. All services are posted on our website both in audio for the message and full worship in video. They can be accessed on our phone app, our website, or our YouTube channel.
You can download it by texting ‘MARINERSCC APP’ (no quotes, with space between words) to (833) 695-5698.
The Mariners App is a GREAT tool to stay engaged with Mariners. Enjoy quick access to announcements, message notes, event info and registrations, online giving, prayer requests, and more! Install on Android or iOS.