(Posted on 3/17, Updated on 3/20)

On 3/17 the building at 100 Stone Pine closed until further notice. But the CHURCH didn’t!

The church pastors and staff have moved all our work to home just like so many of you. We are connecting with each and with our teams and with all of you in very creative ways: Zoom, email, text, video, and of course phones. 

So here are some FAQ’s as to how we are going to stay connected in the coming weeks:

  1. Weekend Service. Join us on Sunday at 9:15 or 10:45 for an online interactive worship service at https://marinershmb.online.church!
  2. LifeGroups. All groups have been moving to video chat services like ZOOM and Google Hangouts. They are working really well!
  3. Almost Daily Encouragement Videos. Look for text/email alerts on short videos from our pastoral staff throughout the week. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel at https://www.youtube.com/MarinersHMB. 
  4. OPEN CONNECT GROUPS. If you aren’t in a LifeGroup, you still need to connect with others. Len is hosting a ZOOM group on Wednesday night at 7p and Kendall Flint is hosting on Friday afternoon at 2p.  OPEN CONNECT GROUP-Wednesdays.  Time: Mar 18, 2020, 7:00 PM. Join Zoom Meeting at https://zoom.us/j/620439162  OPEN CONNECT GROUP-Fridays.  Time: Mar 20, 2020, 2:00 PM. Join Zoom Meeting at https://us04web.zoom.us/j/538165563
  5. Youth. If you are a parent of Middle and High School youth, join the “MCC|Youth” Facebook group and Instagram @mccyouth_hmb for latest news and content Curt is creating for your family. Look for an email links links and updates.
  6. Children. If you are a parent of Nursery-Grade 5 children, join the “MCC|Kids-Surf’s Up” Facebook group and Instagram @mcc_surfsup for latest news and Special video content Kaitlin is creating for your family. Here are a few things to put on your calendar:
    • Kids’ Church Interactive Online Service (every Sunday at 9:15am) on Facebook

      • Join us for an interactive ONLINE service full of fun, games, and a lesson worth remembering!!
    • Kids’ Clubs (every Wednesday at 3:30pm) on Facebook

      • Not registered for Clubs? No worries!  We are adding a few new video lessons to include everyone in our clubs!
    • Bible Trivia Tuesday (every Tuesday about 12pm) on Facebook and Instagram
    • Weekend Activity Announced (every Thursday at 12pm) on Facebook and Instagram
  7. Download the Mariners Church App! Text “MARINERSCC APP” (without quotation marks) to 77977 and follow the instructions. Its quick and simple for all iOS and Android phones. This will include links to see the sermon notes and videos, provide a communication card for prayer requests, help you to continue your giving, get all the Mariners Corona Virus response info, and offer many more resources and announcements. We can’t stress enough how useful this is at all times, let alone now.

Website Links:

  1. Prayer Requests: https://marinerscc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/6/responses/new
  2. Giving: https://marinerscc.org/give/
  3. Corona Virus Response Updates: https://marinerscc.org/coronavirus-updates/


PLEASE BE THE CHURCH. Make calls or email people you know in the church, your neighbors, and of course family, making sure they are all ok. As we go further into this, many might become lonely and would love to hear a kind and encouraging voice. The church directory is available on myMCC. https://marinerscc.org/mymcc/ If you have never logged in, an email will be sent to Len for him to authorize. So don’t be concerned you can’t get in immediately. He will be monitoring this closely so the delay will be minimal.

Stay Safe. Stay Connected.