Letters From the Pastors

Sharing With Your Neighbors
Lisa was a high school girl who wanted to make friends and share her faith in Jesus at her new school. She began by learning the names of five girls whose lockers were next to hers and writing them down. As she learned more about her classmates, friendships blossomed....
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We Are Designed To Be in Community
God didn’t create humankind to be alone! And not just in terms of a spouse. He designed us to be in community. Active community. A community that builds each other up to become our the best versions of ourselves, the one that is most Christlike. A community that helps...
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No One is An Island
You’ve heard it before: No one is an island. Batman has Robin, Scooby has Shaggy, and even the Lone Ranger had Tonto (and, contrary to what you’ve heard, “Kemosabe” means faithful friend). An awesome thing about believing in Jesus is becoming part of a family. The...
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A Quiet Time Story: Ivette, Connecting with God Through Spiritual Snacking
The demands of busy lives driven by unpredictable calendars can make it difficult to commit to a daily time, place and resource for connecting with God. Dedicating a block of 60, 30 or even 15 minutes to praise, prayer and learning can seem impossible. “As a mom, as a...
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Your Biggest Decision for 2020
From Pastor Paul. I do believe that 2020 could be your best year yet for spiritual and personal growth. It could be the launching point for better relationships, a closer connection to God, and to deeper and freeing emotional healing. Or, it could just be another...
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